Dr. Vasilka Sancin, PhD, Associate Professor of International Law, Head of Department of International Law and Director of the Institute for International Law and International Relations at University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Law (Slovenia) is also a member and Vice-Chair of the United Nations Human Rights Committee and an arbitrator and a Bureau member of the Court of Conciliation and Arbitration within OSCE; she founded and chairs a series of biannual inter-disciplinary scientific conferences on Responsibility to Protect (www.R2Pconference.com), Contemporary Challenges of International Environmental Law conferences (www.environmnetlaw.conference), All-European International Humanitarian and Refugee Law Moot Court Competition (http://www.pf.uni-lj.si/en/international-cooperation/moot-court-competitions/all-european-international-humanitarian-and-refugee-law-moot-court-competition/) and Model United Nations conferences – MUNLawS (www.munlaws.com); she is also a President of the Slovene Branch of International Law Association (ILA) and a member of number of other professional associations in the field of international law and international relations, including the Women Network on the Responsibility to Protect, Peace and Security.